Easy Pop Up Box Card with Windmills

by Jenny Smith, April 07, 2022
This past weekend saw my second "in person" workshop which was a delight to share with crafters I have only been able to connect with online for the past 2 years.  In my face to face workshops, we can try something a little more advanced so often make "fancy folds" cards using a whole suite of products.  
This is one of the cute cards we made during this workshop, quite an easy pop up card that folds flat and goes in a standard C6 envelope here in the UK so easy on postage too!  We used the Flowering Fields Suite of products including these beautiful tulip papers and bright, bold colour scheme matched up with the windmill dies from the same suite.  Read on for the measurements.

Start with a half sheet of A4 cardstock cut lengthways and then with the long side at the top of the score board score at 14.9cm, 18.9cm, 22.9cm & 26.9cm.
Fold and crease these score lines and you will find you have a small "box" at the base of the card.  ***Do not stick anything until after you have decorated***

For the additional front cut a piece 8cm x 14.9cm and score with the long side at the top at 7.5 cm and 11.5cm. Fold and crease these score lines to form the front pop up - on my card this is the piece that has the windmill attached to it.

You can decorate all pieces with mats and layers before constructing the card in a suite or theme of your choice.

top tip: keep folding the card flat while you construct it to make sure you are sticking the pieces in the right place and that the card still folds flat to go in the envelope before you stick it all in place permanently!

Thanks for Reading, Keep Crafting!
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